Tuesday, January 6, 2009

TJ update 1/06/2009, making lots of progress! (and his daddy and I's 6 yr anniversary!)

He's awake!!!!!!!!!

he's not uncomfortable with this tube too bad, just sleepy!

what a little porkey pie! He's tipping the scales at just about 11 lbs!

TJ's currently at a rate of 14 on the respirator and doing great with Sat's in the 90's. His wound is closed up past the bone, and tissue has covered the spot. They are debating on whether to stitch him up and send him home or what...... I hope they let him heal a bit more, then stitch him up!

sleepy baby..... He has LONG fingernails that I need to cut next time I see him

Here are the most recent pictures of TJ, and Us. I included one of Carlos and I's 6 year DATING anniversary!we count the dating one as well as the wedding..... We hit the town (movies and dinner). it was Me, Carlos, Jon(middle brother 18yrs old) and his girlfriend Amanda. Their first date and I thougth a nice way to treat them to something special! She's really Nice!
on to TJ, TJ has been feeling stuff and even with the Vent in he was trying to lick things! Including his curious George toy courtesy of the neighbor. He was grabbing his bear (reaching out to touch the fur... but for some reason those particular pics got deleted, darn it! my camera is set to delete pics after they're uploaded... for some reason it either didn't take a few pics or just didn't upload them!
I have asked the nurses to call me as soon as he's extubated and handling it because I want to feed him by mouth the first time! We only get a few months before he will be eating solids or cereal! He didn't have any teeth coming thru today even tho I thought he'd had some before.....

That's our update fro today!

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